• 2011-07-03

    The Exact Way to get Width and Height of Dynamic Loaded Image

    Views: 28438 | 5 Comments

    There are certain wrong ways using JavaScript/jQuery to get the width/height of dynamic loaded image. Here are some reasons why your codes won’t work:

    • You codes run before the image is downloaded from web server,
    • even if you use jQuery to bind a “load” event handler on that image, your codes won’t work when the image is loaded from browser cache(jQuery bug).

    Let me show you the WRONG ways:

    (WRONG)get width/height after setting html content

    var html = '<img src="URL" />;
    var width = $('#my_div img').width(); // may return 0

    (WRONG)get width/height in “load” event handler

    var html = '<img src="URL" />';
    var img = $(html);
        // return 0 if image is loaded from browser cache
        var width = img.width();

    And now, comes the right way…

    The Exact way

    // step 1: display the image
    var img = '<img src="http://image.jpg" />';
    // step 2: get image's width
    var ni = new Image();
    ni.onload = function(){
        var width = ni.width;
    ni.src = 'http://image.jpg';
    Posted by ideawu at 2011-07-03 22:22:53 Tags: , ,
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