
Tovi FAQs

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Q: How to automatically generate slideshow of all images under the same folder of the image I open from Finder?

A: When you open exactly one image from Finder, Tovi will automatically discover all images in the same folder. If this folder is neither the Downloads folder nor the Pictures folder, Tovi needs you to grant permission to scan the folder.

You can specify the folder in Preferences window. It is recommended that you add ROOT folder(directory) to the permissions list, all subfolders will be automatically included. If you have added ROOT directory, it will be displayed as “/” in the permissions list.

A: The image file is not opened by Tovi when I double click it from within Finder?

It is something related to “File Association” system setting. To let Tovi be the default application to open certain files when you open them from within Finder, please follow these instructions:

1. Right click on one image file, select “Get Info” from the context menu.
2. Select “Tovi.app” from the drop down list at “Open with:” area.
3. Click on “Change All…” button to confirm “Use this application to open all documents like this one.”

Posted by ideawu at 2013-05-01 20:03:37 Tags:

18 Responses to "Tovi FAQs"

  • 这个tovi,怎么设置可以打开mac的picture里面的图片啊.
    还有开始我下载了一个试用版,不用添加文件夹权限,在App Store购买下载的却需要文件夹权限. Reply
  • Tovi used to work great. Now it’s "stuck" on Tovi "welcome" Keyboard shortcuts etc.
    I tried uninstalling program and reinstalling from Apple but get the same "welcome" page. I just want to play .gif files, not create or change them.
    Thank you. Bob. Reply
  • When I open an image in Tovi, I cannot view the next one in that same folder. Only 1/1 is indicated along the bottom. And sometimes when I open a single image, 1/3 is indicated, but I still can’t arrow to the next image. Why is this? Reply
  • how to i get to the preferences window?? Reply
    @max: Like many other Mac apps, press "command" + ",", or select from menu. Reply
  • I downloaded this so that i could view .svg files. I went in to the preferences and added the folder as described and it will only show me a blue square with a question mark. I cannot seem to make it open the file extension. Please help. Reply
    @Ken: And would you please send one of your .svg file to me, via tovi@ideawu.com? Reply
    @ideawu: the file resides on my hard drive in a folder. I added the folder to the permissions in preferences as described in the instructions. I then navigate to the file using the path on the left and try to open it. I will try to send you a few example files this evening when I get home. Reply
    @Ken: Replied via email. Reply
    @Ken: Hi, Ken. How did you open the .svg file? Was it residented on a removable storage device(USB storage, etc)? Reply
  • Hoping you can help. I installed Tovi and followed the instructions listed above. Tovi will not open image files in the Pictures folder but will open image files in most of the subfolders. All other folders work fine. Reply
    @Neil W: Hi, what happens when you open image files in the Pictures folder? Reply
    @ideawu: It launches Tovi and a window comes up that says Tovi – Welcome! at the top but no image ever loads. Reply
    @Neil W: Em… what is the name and extension(something like xxx.jpg) of the image file? Is it a .jpg file? Please try to remove Tovi and reinstall it. Reply
    @ideawu: It’s all image files and all extensions (.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.png) in the Pictures folder. If I move a file to a different folder it will open. If I move a file to the Pictures folder it won’t open. Removing and reinstalling Tovi gives the same results. I can try and get a recording of how it all behaves and send it to you later today if that would help. Reply
    @Neil W: OK, please send the record to tovi@ideawu.com
  • I hope that you can help me.

    I have recently switched from a PC to a Mac. I downloaded Tovi since I had always used Windows Picture & Fax Viewer and Tovi promised the same viewing capability. I have now spent 3 days trying to access my folders containing .jpg files and have followed all your instructions, adding the folders to the permissions list to no avail. The permissions list displays are shown as "/users/account" etc.etc. but I still cannot open my pictures.

    Thank you in advance, Jennifer Reply
    @Jennifer Ross: I apologize for your inconvenience. I would like to help you, let’s follow these instructions:

    1. Where are your .jpgs located?
    2. What happens when you double click the .jpg file in Finder? Is that file opened by Tovi?
    3. If the .jpg file is not opened by Tovi, it is "File Association" related system setting.

    To change File Association with .jpg files, right click(or click with control key pressed) on one .jpg file, then choose "Get Info" from the popup context menu. You will see a "xxx.jpg Info" window opened. Select "Tovi.app" from the drop down list located at "Open with:" area, then click the "Change All…" button. Now get back to finder and double click on the .jpg file, then you will seee that file is opened by Tovi.

    Please let me know if these instructions help. Reply

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